Rebuilding Trust in Drug Rehab

drug rehab rebuilding trust

When thinking about trust in regards to someone struggling with drug addiction, you might think about the damage and chaos created by the addict’s behaviors. Thoughts such as,

“I don’t trust to leave my wallet around her”


“I don’t believe he will do what he says he will do”.

If you are an addict, or know someone struggling with addiction, then you’re familiar with the lies, deception, and broken promises within addiction that shatters trust in relationships.  But, do we think about the broken trust an addict may have experienced themselves?

At South Orange County Detox and Treatment, clients are encouraged to share the situations that they have experienced that may have created a lack of trust. Often, lack of trust arises from abuse, disloyalty, manipulation and fear. Learning to gain trust with healthy people in an addict’s life is an important part of recovery. Rebuilding trust in Addiction Treatment requires a person to have courage to be honest about the pain they have experienced, a willingness to explore feelings this has generated and vulnerability to begin to trust again. Once trust is rebuilt with the client and healthy people in their lives, relationships begin to strengthen. This is an integral part of the healing process in building a solid foundation that will support the addict on their journey towards a new way of living in sobriety.


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