Emotional Sobriety- BeingTrue At Heart
Emotional Sobriety is often overlooked in recovery. It is often mistaken that removing the substance of choice from the equation and everything goes back to normal. This could not be farther from the truth. Gaining emotional sobriety is an absolutely vital step in the process of recovery.
Codependency in Relationships
To me, codependency is a symptom of an identity crisis. It’s a reliance upon someone else for emotional health, self-worth, and values. It’s a dependence upon someone else to feel comforted and loved. Ultimately, it’s an attempt to fill a void that should be filled with purpose, self-esteem, worthiness, and dignity.
Differentiation-Uncharted Territory
Differentiation is about holding onto yourself despite your emotional state; being aware of your emotions while taking the time to fully understand why or what you are feeling, enabling yourself to react to a situation properly while regulating the emotions you feel in a positive way.