What is Your Purpose In Life?

Purpose- Word of the Week

purpose drug detox oc

When asked, “What is your purpose in life?” I’ve never really had a definitive answer. To be honest it isn’t something that I think about often. If I had to answer, I would say that I want my purpose in life to have an impact on the world. Whether that impact be large or small, I just want to know that I had a positive impact on someone at some point in their life. I think the way we carry ourselves on a day to day basis and the mindset we carry throughout our lives impacts more than just ourselves. Who we surround ourselves with directly correlates to the way we see ourselves and how we address issues in our lives. Subconsciously many of us compare ourselves to others. When we are surrounded by mentally strong, positive, influential people and feel like we are at that breaking point in life those people can be the reason we fight back instead of giving up. That being said if you carry yourself with high regards and confidence and a positive mentality you could end up being the reason someone pushes themselves to overcome what they are going through. With addiction for instance, you never know the impact you will have on someone’s life with your own sobriety. How we choose to carry ourselves affects more than just ourselves. When we quit, give up, let ourselves down we’re letting those around us down, we’re giving up on the ones we care about, sometimes without even knowing it. We all have a purpose in life, whether that be big or small and I think it’s important to remember this. Our purpose in life is OUR purpose and only we know what that is but our purpose in life has an impact on everyone who we are affiliated with. I think that it’s important to keep this mind next time we feel like we don’t matter or that our actions and behaviors don’t have an impact on anyone but ourselves.


Truly Selfless Amends


My higher Power- The Real Persuader