South Orange County Detox and Treatment

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Working on Relationships in Recovery

Looking back at my addiction plus all the wreckage that came along with it I realize that most of the relationships I had were toxic, superficial, and fleeting. I spent a lot of time, money, and energy seeking acceptance and connection to the point where I lost all sense of who I was. The people in my life that truly loved and cared about me I took for granted and took advantage of their love. I never want to be that person again, someone who is willing to sacrifice their own morals, beliefs, values, likes, dislikes, interests, and identity out of fear of rejection or judgment. I want to have true relationships based on honesty, trust, acceptance, understanding, loyalty, open communication, and love. I need to work on being real, genuine, and forthcoming in the relationships that I am developing here so that I know how to have healthier relationships with my family and loved ones. Having connections where it is okay to be vulnerable and transparent.