South Orange County Detox and Treatment

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Synchronicity and Prayer

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Synchronicity- Word of the Week

The experience of Synchronicity has been happening to me since I was a boy. Little glimpses of synchronicity, remind me that there’s something out there watching over me. Over the years, I have realized that what I put out there, determines what I get back. Synchronicity happens when I’m grateful for the connection with the ones I’m close to and the one’s who have supported me. I put out a prayer based on a thought I’m having about someone and over time that person’s body language, behaviors & words speak to me and give me the answers that I had prayed about. In a way, showing me that what I put out there to my Higher Power, I get back, in one way or another. One example of this recently was a synchronistic moment I had with my mother. We are both in therapy and we don’t speak much. One day, the topic of therapy was on disassociation and the very next day my mom came to see me and started to talk about what she’s learning in therapy. I asked her if she was learning about disassociation and, she said, “yes”, verbatim explaining the same concepts that I had been learning in therapy the pervious day. Moments like this happen, and they remind me of the importance of spirituality in life and in my recovery. It it reminds me that I need to keep praying and focusing on spirituality because God is out there watching over me.