South Orange County Detox and Treatment

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There's Hope at South Orange County Detox and Treatment

I hear a variety of reasons clients make the decision to come to treatment. Perhaps they were strongly encouraged to enter treatment by their employer or a family member. Or, a client will tell me they are filled with shame, guilt, sadness, or anxiety and no longer want to feel the pain. I listen to a young man recall the trauma he experienced as a child, a mother tearfully describe herself as “a bad mom” and a 25 year old woman tell me this is her seventh time in treatment and she cannot picture her life without drugs and alcohol. Despite their reported challenges, I have hope for their recovery.

To me, hope represents the belief in your abilities, even when feeling at a low place in your life. It is not uncommon for an individual struggling in addiction to feel hopeless. The addict may think to themselves, “I’m too far into my addiction”, or “The withdrawal process is going to be too hard”, or “I’ve tried before and failed”, but I have hope in your recovery. The greatest reward I receive providing individual, group, couples and family therapy at South Orange County Detox and Treatment is witnessing the courage, resilience, and change in each person. The journey of recovery can be painful, intimidating and challenging. I witness a person with intense symptoms of anxiety share their thoughts and feelings during group therapy, I feel hopeful. When a client struggling with depression challenges a negative thought, I feel hopeful. If the client chooses to remain in treatment instead of running to what is comfortable, I feel hopeful. Do not let a lack of hope deter you from receiving the help and support you need to begin your recovery. At South Orange County Detox and Treatment, we have hope for you.

At South Orange County Detox and Treatment, we have hope for you”