South Orange County Detox and Treatment

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Getting Honest in Drug Detox

This time in addiction treatment, I wanted to be really open-minded and honest. I wanted to make sure I shared everything on my mind and how I was feeling. During the first couple of months at South Orange County Detox and Treatment it was easy for me to be honest and open because I wasn’t really struggling or craving drugs. Now that I’m completely off Suboxone, it’s a struggle for me to be honest when I’m struggling and open-up with my feelings. I get worked up when things don’t go my way and I don’t like getting that way anymore.   When I was on Suboxone, I convinced myself that Suboxone wasn’t doing anything for me, but now I realize that it completely stopped all of my cravings. Sometimes, I feel stir-crazy when the cravings are coming on and it has been difficult to stay honest in this new state of mind.   However, as of lately, my time has been preoccupied with things that I enjoy doing which has also helped get through the cravings and gives me a new perspective on myself and my future.   

I have also struggled being honest with my family. I have lied to them so many times during my addiction and I know I will need to make it up to them.  When I go home, I want to be in my best state of mind. After talking with Salina Shuler, I realize I just need to voice my thoughts and be honest about my feelings which will help keep me in a better state of mind and emotionally sober which I’m trying to do, 1-day-at-a-time.